Dear Ms. Green and Mr. Collins,
Thank you for the article Nalle Elementary’s Field in Jeopardy During Modernization Process, which sheds light on DCPS Central Administration’s rendering of an incomplete, poorly coordinated, and egregiously communicated modernization plan to the JC Nalle ES community. As a Ward 7 community member, it is without question, the project is nowhere near ready for implementation. While there is emphasis on how the project was poorly communicated, not enough focus is placed on the actual plan and how shoddy it truly is. We are calling for DCPS Central to pause the project for better planning, a more practical alternative activity space for the Nalle children and community engagement which will avail DCPS Central needed input for a more sustainable modernization plan overall. In short, this is a mess! We demand a better work product!
Sherice A. Muhammad, Ward 7