In recognition of National Wellness Month, what advice would you give to younger Black men in their twenties regarding life and wellness?
Bryant Louis, New Orleans
No matter how limited your environment may be, you must be able to see and dream beyond it. Don’t be a victim of it or the low expectations associated with it. Understand pain and failure are all part of growth and learning; don’t let pain become your fear.
Daniel Taylor, New York
Learn about the stock market and investments, and aim for long-term investments. Exercise helps with longevity; make it a lifestyle. Don’t give up on your dreams. No matter how long the goal may take, if it’s worth it, your dream won’t have an expiration date. Keep pushing for it.
Kareem Vaughn, Phoenix
Go to college or trade school for something that makes you the product. If you are a lawyer, trainer, engineer, architect, or even a welder, you create the income because you create the value. If you do that, you always have the flexibility to work for someone or open your own business!
Claudell Turner, Washington, D.C.
Stay positive! Refrain from impulses that lead you to question yourself! Be firm and up straight! Say what you mean; mean what you say! Treat women like she’s your mother/sister! Plan and make goals on a five-year scale. Love yourself first! Save your money – invest in your future. Learn the difference between what you need and what you want.
Jeremy Grice, Greensboro, N.C.
Build multiple streams of income. Everything that glitters ain’t gold. God, family, and then self. Don’t have kids too soon. Get a passport and see the world. Don’t chase materialistic things that lose value over time.
Compiled by Sarafina Wright